Tagged with ' saucen'

Teriyaki Sauce – Meaning, Origin, Production & Flavor

Food with Teriyaki Sauce

Almost everyone has heard the term “Teriyaki Sauce” or “Chicken Teriyaki” at some point. However, little is known about the history and origin of the widely used Teriyaki Sauce. We've compiled some interesting facts (that you probably don't know yet) about Teriyaki Sauce for you. In this article, you'll learn what Teriyaki actually is, where the term is thought to originate from, how Teriyaki Sauce is produced, and which Teriyaki sauces you should definitely try if you're embarking on a culinary journey to the Asian region.

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Super Bowl Food - American snacks for the sports event of the year

Super Bowl Food - Chicken Wings

In early February, it's finally that time again. The Super Bowl final will determine the best American football team. On average, around 111 million Americans gather in front of their home televisions. Globally, the Super Bowl boasts an impressive 800 million viewers. Whether you're celebrating the sports event of the year at home with friends and acquaintances or heading to a designated cinema – one thing is clear: traditional Super Bowl food is a must!

For those looking to organize a Super Bowl party at home, the question "What should we eat on Super Bowl evening?" will undoubtedly come up. We provide you with useful tips, inspirations, and introduce some American products that you probably haven't come across yet.

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